Friday, June 23, 2006

Summer Solstice

My sister Linda sends me an email reminding me of the significance of the summer solstice. My day of long sun was spent quite leisurely in rural western Massachusetts. This solstice is a significant time of change for me as I am moving to Arizona to start a whole new life. It seems the visions and dreams I've been working on in the past year are mostly now coming into being. I've dreamed of a leisurely life, filled with abundance and joy. Right now I feel like I am living life to the fullest. I have such freedom. I stay up late with friends outside in downtown Northampton. I'm responding to the rhythms of nature, feeling and breathing in the beauty of the summer. I'm not subject to the frequency of the clock, the beat of the industrialized world, but rather the beautiful ebbing and flowing rhythms of nature. I know Henry David Thoreau would approve.

With this openness and freedom I find friendship and joy with many people. With a heart at ease and free there is plenty of room for love, compassion, tolerance and acceptance of others. In this way soul abundance grows greatly. As is part of my vision to have abundance in my life, it seems the spirit world, residing close to the soul, answers with abundance of its own nature. I love this abundance of nature, this bounty of time and space I'm experiencing. The soul is full and the heart is content. And in this place of joy the seeds of new dreams are sown, the most fertile of all soil to grow great dreams. The summer night air lifts me to into a nether world, and like with the sounds of crows squawking I transcend this world to the greater dimensions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God blesses you! :D
As for me... I shall drift on.